Sunday 19 July 2015

First Week

I won't get into specifics for obvious reasons, but my first week at my new job is over. And I embraced the weekend like a kid does. A little bit of junk food, a lot of watching twitch, and some gaming, plus super late nights. It was a glorious weekend but also probably not the best way to spend my time.

So work was not super rough. The first day my desk hadn't been set up so I job shadowed another person in my team. She was nice and after a few hours of watching and taking notes, I was given the chance to try out the systems. I took it slow, and asked questions, and got the hang of it after a while. By the end of the day I had a few systems set up on my computer and was able to continue the work at my own desk. My cubicle neighbour is now my go to for all my questions, and each day I have been bugging her less and less. I think I am doing alright, and will be interested to hear what my boss has to say when she does her performance review with me.

So all in all, I am glad to be working again, even if the work is repetitive I know I will still try and do my best to make the company proud of hiring me.

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." - Christian Moulin Rouge!

Saturday 11 July 2015

Nerves of Steel?

As some of you know, I no longer am working at Michaels. With my back being what it is, I decided that it would be the best to leave and pursue a job/career where I couldn't potentially make it worse.

So I applied to a mortgage company for back office work. And got it. So I start this coming week and am a bundle of nerves. This past week, I have basically wanted to get on a sleeping pattern and get into a schedule that would be beneficial for the new office job. Unfortunately, my mind set was more like that this was the last week of summer break before school starts up. So I was up late every night watching movies or playing games, yet I would still wake up when my alarm would go off, but sometimes hit snooze way too much. I did do my laundry and get that in order for next week. It is just so weird to be going from something I did for so long to something brand new. I am excited and scared and ready to learn. Fingers crossed I don't flub up too badly.

"You already know the ending to this story. You can only draw it so many ways." - Henry Carver Push